Sunday, February 11, 2007

Jedi Title Information

(All of the information below is from Wookieepedia, the most comprehensive information source on all things Star Wars. - Jay)

|Specialization |
Being a Jedi was a life of great variation as the Jedi Order had several responsibilities. While many Jedi were generalists, some would specialize in one or more areas either in accordance with their own interests and preferences, or because they were delegated responsibility for an area that required specialization. With these specializations often came specific Jedi ranks. Moreover, in certain periods of the history of the Galaxy, some Jedi would assume military ranks fighting alongside Republic forces.

|Military and Warfare

In times of war, especially when Sith forces were involved, Jedi would sometimes assume military ranks and govern armies of Republic military units, as was seen in the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Civil War, the New Sith Wars, and the Clone Wars. So Jedi indeed became soldiers, not just keepers of the peace.

* Jedi Commander – a Padawan serving as a Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic, the Jedi Commander is assigned to a Jedi General until knighted. Once a full Jedi, the Padawan is now referred to as General.

* Jedi General – a Jedi who had been placed in command of a Republic army. Considered a full General.

* Senior Jedi General – a high-ranking Jedi serving as general in the Clone Wars, the Senior Jedi General was typically a Jedi Master who was very experienced in warfare and battle tactics.

* High Jedi General – a member of the Jedi Council serving as a Jedi General during the Clone Wars, the Jedi High General would not only command their own army, but also supervise other Jedi Generals.

* Jedi Lord – a Jedi who served as a commander in the Army of Light during the New Sith Wars. The Jedi Lord assumed this title mainly out of political motivation. The rank was abolished after the war.

In addition to the ordinary military ranks, there were a number of ranks andtitles based on specialization in areas of warfare and combat.

* Force Warrior – a Jedi who was skilled in a special type of unarmed combat, using meditative martial arts and the Force.

* Jedi Ace – a Jedi who had specialized in starfighter combat, combining piloting skills with mastery of the Force.

* Jedi Brute – a Jedi being responsible for guarding the Jedi Temple, the Jedi brute would focus on physical strength and aggressive lightsaber combat.

* Jedi Gatemaster – the Jedi who served as the keeper of the main entrance at the Jedi Temple. These Jedi were usually trained in a special way.

* Jedi Sniper – another class of Jedi specializing in long-range telekinetic lightsaber combat with powers such as lightsaber throw.

* Jedi Guardian/Warrior Master – a Jedi Master who was especially skilled in battle, the Guardian (Warrior Master at master level) would concentrate mainly on martial training and combat in general without losing focus on diplomacy and the philosophies of the Force.

* Jedi Weapon Master – a Jedi Master who focused solely on battle, the Weapon Master was among the greatest fighters of the Order, but also had very limited insight into philosophy and non-combat related Force skills.

|Healing |

* Jedi Healer – Some Jedi would focus on the more Humanitarian aspects of the Force, specializing in Force powers based on Force healing. In addition to knowledge of such Force powers, also had extensive knowledge of medicine and
medical technology. Jedi healers were normally stationed at the Jedi Medical Corps Infirmary, but would also serve in the field. For instance, around the time of the Clone Wars, Jedi healers would serve aboard MedStar frigates and, occasionally, in Republic's mobile surgical units ("Rimsoos").

* Jedi Archaeologist – a Jedi who had specialized in gaining historical knowledge through archaeology, the Jedi archaeologist was often a member of the ExplorCorps and involved in expeditions of various kinds.

* Jedi Historian – a Jedi who had specialized in chronicling the history of the Galaxy and the Jedi Order, the Jedi historian knew virtually everything about the past of the Jedi Order.

* Jedi Librarian – a Jedi who had specialized in administrating vast databases of knowledge, the Jedi librarian was in charge of an important Jedi library, such as the ancient Great Jedi Library, the library of the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, or the Jedi Archives.

* Jedi Geologist – a Jedi who had specialized in geology.

* Jedi Consular/Sage Master – a Jedi Master dedicated to the mysteries of the Force, the Consular (Sage Master at master level) had deep insights into the philosophies of the Force and was a highly skilled user of many Force powers.

|Liaison and diplomacy |

* Jedi Watchmen – Jedi were often called upon to act as impartial diplomats. They would serve as moderators and negotiators during disputes, and their judgments were often recognized as just and binding. When acting as diplomats, Jedi took the utmost care to be impartial and fair-minded.

Jedi Watchman were charged with overseeing a particular system or sector, thus serving as a type of liaison officer between the system or sector and the Jedi Council as well as the Republic in general. Jedi Watchmen were often highly skilled in diplomacy and possessed knowledge of the culture of the system or sector they oversaw. Often Jedi Watchmen originated from the system or sector they were tasked with overseeing.

|Crime fighting and investigation |

* Jedi investigator – a Jedi specially appointed by the Council to uncover hidden and obscure threats to the Galaxy such as powerful criminal syndicates, corruption and conspiracy against the Republic and other shady menaces. The Jedi
investigator would often work alone and undercover to infiltrate suspicious organizations or would be busy investigating some act of crime.

* Jedi Sentinel – a Jedi Sentinel was the perfect balance between the Jedi Guardian and the Jedi Consular, possessing great skills in combat and knowledge in the force. This type of Jedi functioned like both the Jedi investigator and the Jedi Shadow, rooting out and destroying both crime and the dark side. In addition, the Jedi Sentinel also had skills in various other studies.

* Jedi Shadow – a Jedi whose job was to seek out and destroy any sign of the dark side of the Force, the Jedi shadow was the Jedi Order's primary weapon against the Dark side up until the Clone Wars.

|Instruction |

In addition to the Master-Padawan model, some Jedi had specialized in teaching aspects of the Force and the skill required to be a Jedi. Yoda served an important role in the Jedi Council, giving instruction to all Younglings.

* Jedi Instructor – a Jedi accountable for giving general teachings to Younglings, Padawans, or the occasional older beings. Sometimes Council members, who were frequently at the Jedi Temple, where initial instruction commonly took place, served as Jedi instructors. However, most such mentors were stationed at a Jedi Praxeum or academy.

* Jedi Battlemaster – a Jedi highly skilled in lightsaber combat, the Battlemaster was the lightsaber combat instructor of a Jedi Praxeum or academy.

* Jedi Trainer – a Jedi student or Jedi Knight responsible for teaching and instructing a certain aspect of the Force, the Jedi trainer was a vital component in the education of Jedi Knights in the early years of the New Jedi Order.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.